ddiv - Data Driven I-v Feature Extraction
The Data Driven I-V Feature Extraction is used to extract
Current-Voltage (I-V) features from I-V curves. I-V curves
indicate the relationship between current and voltage for a
solar cell or Photovoltaic (PV) modules. The I-V features such
as maximum power point (Pmp), shunt resistance (Rsh), series
resistance (Rs),short circuit current (Isc), open circuit
voltage (Voc), fill factor (FF), current at maximum power (Imp)
and voltage at maximum power(Vmp) contain important information
of the performance for PV modules. The traditional method uses
the single diode model to model I-V curves and extract I-V
features. This package does not use the diode model, but uses
data-driven a method which select different linear parts of the
I-V curves to extract I-V features. This method also uses a
sampling method to calculate uncertainties when extracting I-V
features. Also, because of the partially shaded array, "steps"
occurs in I-V curves. The "Segmented Regression" method is used
to identify steps in I-V curves. This material is based upon
work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under Solar
Energy Technologies Office (SETO) Agreement Number
DE-EE0007140. Further information can be found in the following
paper. [1] Ma, X. et al, 2019.